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ȸ»ç¸í timesmedia ±¸Àδã´çÀÚ Rachel À̸ÞÀÏ times-hr@timesmedia.co.kr
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±¸ÀÎÁ¦¸ñ One day Job!!!!-only native
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³»¿ë Hi this is Rachel from timesmedia. We are looking for 2 native teachers 21th of June. just can play with kindergarten children in sheep farm. we can start bus from Seoul to sheep farm (young ju) It takes 2 hours to young ju. 1.starting date: only 1 day 21th of June 2.time: 10:00-6:00 3.salary: 35000/hour 4.native If you are interested in this job, please send your resume & picture to Times-hr @timesmedia.co.kr Also, we offer other positions for you It is a great opportunity to join us. We are looking forward to working with you~ Thank you very much~ Rachel Choi(Assistant Manager) Times Media Tel: 1588-5340 Mobile: 010-3347-8313
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